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Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, healthcare exclusion and natural disasters. MSF combines the provision of emergency medical care with a commitment to speaking out about the suffering people endure and the obstacles encountered in providing assistance. MSF is a not-for-profit organisation that was founded by doctors and journalists in 1971. Today, MSF is a worldwide movement with 19 national offices and an international coordination office in Geneva, Switzerland. MSF’s core work is in providing emergency medical assistance to the most vulnerable people in crisis due to armed conflict. MSF also provides medical care to help people survive in catastrophic situations where communities and health structures may be overwhelmed. MSF provides assistance during epidemics, following natural disasters, and to people who are excluded from healthcare.


When MSF witnesses serious acts of violence against or neglect of individuals or groups, it may speak out publicly based on eyewitness accounts, medical data and experience. MSF also give a voice to those who have witnessed such acts .MSF is an independent

Als internationale Hilfsorganisation rettet  Ärzte ohne Grenzen seit 1971 schnell, effizient und unbürokratisch Leben   ohne dabei nach Herkunft, Religion oder politischer  Überzeugung zu fragen. Tag für Tag versorgen Mitarbeiter von Ärzte ohne Grenzen Tausende Patienten in Kriegsgebieten oder nach Naturkatastrophen. Die Hilfsorganisation ist derzeit in rund 70 Ländern aktiv.


Um unabhängig von politischen Interessen arbeiten zu können, finanziert Ärzte ohne Grenzen die Hilfsprojekte vor allem aus privaten Spenden. Diese Unterstützung macht es möglich, dass Teams Kranke und Verletzte behandeln, sich um mangelernährte Kinder kümmern, Flüchtlingsfamilien versorgen oder Epidemien verhindern.


1999 wurde  Ärzte ohne Grenzen mit dem Friedensnobelpreis ausgezeichnet.

Verliehen wurde der Preis für weltweites humanitäres Engagement.

and self-governed organisation. Actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of neutrality and impartiality. MSF offers assistance to people based only on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation.


MSF strives to ensure that it has the power to evaluate medical needs freely, to access populations without restriction and to control the aid it provides directly, giving priority to those in most grave danger. MSF does not take sides in armed conflict and demands unhindered access to patients and the space it needs to carry out emergency medical interventions. In addition MSF only accepts private donations and never accepts funds from parties directly involved in any conflict or medical emergency that MSF is dealing with.

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